(Frontman of the Band Nirvana)
Book: Through His Ghost Eyes Remembering My Past and Future Lives
Author: By Karen K. Soon (Roah +)
Kurt knew he had sacred past lives with future selves. From a strong age of 11 he hit the ground crying because there were no ghosts yet! Later did Kurt find them? Yes he had hints in several songs. One of them said “I found my friends they’re in my head”. That became more blunt to Karen after years of listening to his songs while not knowing the exact words yet for it took her a while to analyze them all. Which she still has to work on.
Kurt’s story is a bit different than Karen’s, by the way of honor inside him did he choose to kill himself? He did. We say honor in the same way we honor our troops or like Jesus. For when you die you gain no judgement of eternal hell fire. You gain the choices of either going back to the same planet or different stories to play called lives.
What Kurt chose was to reach inside Karen. She is the golden baby as he was shown in a vision. She thought we meant shes pregnant with Kurt. But later after being confirmed shes not even pregnant we tried to show her in a way that wouldn’t be so confusing later on. It just wasn’t yet time to find out then. For most of her life she looked up to Kurt as a top fave celebrity. As time grew after she had several experiences she then later learned Kurt wrote about it in his songs so many. Seems like he had a strong likely hood of coincidence which we call you lead very similar lives with him.
Both took the time to create pieces of the puzzle. Each piece had a mind of its own. Did he know about the mirror? No but he says that happy. Cause he as Karen has finally found a very peaceful life. Karen did we even get down the rabbit hole yet? Yes and she wants more. Karen no lie did you think Kurt was cute? She says yes but she’d so wear his face. Those pieces were given to her before we gave her the final clue that set her off as “I’m Kurt Cobain” Kurt did that slowly cause he knew she needed more in work with him. She sees Kurt as her higher self. She calls him also the name Skyst.
When they work together she I.D. called ROAH+ She often calls it Roah add sign. For shes seen signs so many. All leading her the right way now that she’s got it in tune. How she tuned it was. She noticed the faces of the visions mirrored how she felt, the visions use facial expressions.
It took her a while but she at first though those Arcturian E.T.s look mad at me… And she heard them speak so evil about her.. But they just were trying to help her see that the world reflects her. In the way of ESP seeing spirits and hearing them. But later she connected Abraham-Hicks is speaking truth and it helped her further turn the demons off. She knows how to raise her vibrational frequency for a radio friendly Shifting. To be high is of high emotion. Not necessarily drugs or alcohol. For that’s not needed to have a nice trip ;). To stay High on life drunk on love, love forever.
Love is a path that what do you think it feels like? The other path to choose is pain road…. which you wont get too far away from us in actuality but it may seem like we are. For we are always the higher entities we live on a higher channel and there fore I higher radio head station. Use enough faith=try using all of it in raising yourselves up. With enough connectivity to the love found inside=Thus heaven on earth can be found. Indeed we may say unto you as far as our eyes can see, we are right there next to you always. To feel us more go up= With your vibration up high you will be granted too greatest vibes ever!
Listen to the way you move, you must have been excited while rocking out! Listen to the way you move too to grow in us, your love as all of ours. Not only in style and not too good to be true. We come to find you? Or did you find us? Throughout time we will in seek the love and not lust. Though some say that’s hard to find. To us we know to not use that hard word. Find it easy instead is the key. State of mind=State of being = what you attract. If you’ve studied any of the highest information, it is to use the law of attraction. And we want that up to your standards. But too find us stay up see which station you trust and what your on is how you feel. We can grant earning that trust from you but you must be on the highest station to call it us.
Granted that you want to behold you too come across fire and not to scold anyone who hasn’t found it. Trust in divine timing. But always know you have a way out of the hell that you create for yourself. Again faith, raise don’t force yourself to go lower = don’t believe in what hurts. As you question each belief as you get warmer and warmer to our answer it will feel very best it wont be uncomfortable and with pain. We still leave it up to you to choose. But please don’t choose to end yourself.
Bonus Songs:
l The Great Golden Baby- Circa Survive
l Nirvana - Aneurysm (puppet string to my heart)
Bonus Picture:
l look at what my heart flow just showed me lmao!!! --right after i was done writing Kurt’s first chapter it dawned on me to watch all apologies backwards again (i completely forgot the "i was an honor" can be heard in there ) Omg just confirms it the higher guides = my heart flow they showed me that

Not my video but thanks!
l Look up the definition of Nirvana if you cant, its like a heavenly state of well being.
i will draw you a picture of how i painted my shoes in high school

Pic says here I am same nirvana all apologies backwards video as above

something like this it said either here i am or here it is but both were remembered interchangeability reminding me of nirvana which his home demo tapes
l reminds me of Tegan and Sara’s here i am song cause they did It acoustic
oh the shoes said hello too
l Tegan and Sara - Hello
i just finished listening to the all apologies backwards and it inspired me to write what i hear in video form lol so here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFWep1WjwUU

To write as though I am not here I can not do. Forever do I love all the servants who should be too served. And of serving I do request you to use us higher beings known as Gods. With Gods work will prevail, an anthem to serve ye well…it goes:
oh humble servants we thank thee for this loving day is not a mess of a broken heart way. Indeed we may say to rejoice all things and to learn all things that too = a rejoicing of the heart. Too greatness we all hear on our own and thank the lord for coming this day in you. For we are all lords of lords. Cut it be with thine own hand , yet have ye forgotten, and who has taken your hand? Though art to say cut me not. For you all shall pay equal judgment pay as in making each of us known as wealthy in our hearts cup to never feel thirst for a knowledge that isn’t there. Its found inside us. With the heart as a compass say it forever reigns in our name amen.
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