i had a dream i was dating tuesday and it was nice
i had another dream, this lady in the picture was psychic so i asked her if she knew i was jesus and she said somebody else already claimed to her to be jesus (i dont mind sharing to geez us ) then i asked her if she could sense i was kurt cobain in a past life she said yes

in the dream she had blond short hair though but thats her face i messaged her on her fb page :) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10162391898795716&id=201192805715
it says
3 mins ·
you were in my dream i wrote about it here
ps: im very new to your stuff but i will study more soon (my dream said you were psychic)
) i found you on good reads said your books are like abraham-hicks
happy days to all of you !
(and i linked her to this blog)
Happy days! :D