Book 1: “Take me back to where the roses grow.”
page named after the song if you must by nirvana lol
Skyst: Remember l have Loved you since the Day I was created so l was created first
The highest self had a Son, you.
Skyst: Jesus was the son, he had a father. I was all knowing and chose to grow you up.
I relive through you in several ways and once aligned know you have my gifts.
You want future sight you got it. But part of you loves to be surprised. See so I made your other lives fun.
Karen: so all is where it’s meant to be?
Why I have to grow and regrow ?
Skyst: even at first we didn’t have to
karen:it is fun huh?
am i like a clone of you?
skyst: you are like a younger me but you have the potential to live the highest = with us and so does everyone
Karen : I see past an illusion now
Skyst: it’s not that i had an idea to make you forget and relearn it’s that we had a destiny of fate to prosper from the in knowledge. I sense all probable futures and in saw which roads we had to take.
Karen: who exactly of the highers were created first ?
Skyst : I and 7 others Were born first.
Karen: are all souls created already or can we create more?
Skyst: all highers are born before their so called clones. We create more souls all the time.
Karen: were the highers created personally or do they create themselves?
Skyst: even though i have created more other souls highers then clones… we let them create themselves. As for the shape like say you want your art to take life as them…. Why not be those forms though? That’s what a twin flame is also. You say you want some look alikes of yourself and the twin flame well there you go you even called one the ‘kurt look’ for kurt cobain look alikes.
Ask if their souls existed always as the term god and what god resembles is’re a so called clone we will change the name clones to inward voyagers. If you must.
You inward voyagers were created specifically by your higher self alone? Ha hardly yes your twin flame helps too know what you love to look like.