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Welcome to Hearts Unlocked United

"Remember we love you!" This site has how to get in tune! So Explore the Blog Content!


But First Remember the theme song for this site which is  My Channeled Music below i thought i spoke in tongues and in gibberish nonsense but listened after in recordings and they perfect English as channeled messages, heart felt urges for every word not intending to say English words but did.. More channeled songs by me here The inspiration to do that was from observing The Kurt Cobain, if i said i was him reincarnated would you think i'm crazy? Please still consider the about this site which has my hope for all lands to operate according to the full non broken huge heart! (Dr. Suess: The Grinch heart grew style not calling you one lol) Not doing it for fame.



Find dead back. And for no woes, and woah woah oh woah, Find dead back And for young roah woah wow woah ho ho (christ the masses geez us! = jesus baby) Then, Form young roah den (what i call home For young roah and vote (might run for president lol idk yet) Find dead back and vote inform find dead bangin (not the illegal meaning) Fun her pull in and all up (cheer up) and flow (higher self ghost merged as one self discovery as truth and real love )


Photo used under Creative Commons from PeS-Photo

No offense:


Some say the bible says God deems all psychics channelers and mediums as abominations

that shouldnt be listened to

BUT why would not believing in highest spirits = PAIN

why should following the heart (not broken) = truer love connection

its clear to me that the bible makes me way sadder than not listening to it = feels best ever to gain inward knowledge

and NIVRANA = internal peace heaven connected now

not wait till were dead to enjoy life

why would a good god = listen to the bible = making life so much harder to live

why would god design it so hard to live (life)

the way out of hell on earth isnt the bible folks

Its following highest in vibe spirit guides who give comfort and joy so endlessly as long as your up there on their level...

the bible jesus appears to be a lower entity

i tried so many times to get a clear jesus but actually

the best advice i get = when i live my best way i can = Stay happy and for me thats not with the bible

instead i gain so much excitement and joy i only want to share it so come out of fear the true gods are best best ever better than you could ever imagine


what i believe:


Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires 


again how was the bible made and a way to make all prophets = all who want to be they start hero's journeys and i teach getting voices more in tune prophets heard voices off god why cant you? when thats how the book was written :) in the first place


More Theme songs in the playlist below:

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