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more Kurt /jesus dreams and my dreams for world peace

Writer's picture: roahaddsignroahaddsign

i had another dream i was kurt it had one of my ex gfs treat me like she wants me but she wouldnt let me sex her but then rihanna came at the end she said shes way nicer than that and we had sex in the dream there was a scene where we made music but my guitar was too thick to play right lol

yesterday i had a dream i was jesus again i was happy that catholics made me jesus cross necklaces in a thats special way to remmember someone....

today i had a dream i was kurt cobain again i was wearing a new kurt shirt and it said tribute on it and it was cool cause i was getting ready to play a house show (yes singing in a mansion with guitar playing) then i looked like kurt and it turned white to see an angel sandy glow now then i either woke up or just not allowed to remember lmao why ever? i think she kissed me and we went in the light to talk

i think kimya dawson was there with a guitar ready :)

ithe camera didnt show me the audience in the main room. the hallway was packed with family and it was sorta like band practice

my roller coaster song by kimya dawson

i think it was rihannas house

OMFG I forgot that song said house show

oh bashar was there too lol

in the main /living room that had the instruments

i ask for a vision to use my sight as ways to flow... cause usually i just highest joy excitment flow thats feelings based too but vision wise is i see pictures when remembering my dreams (how do you think the pictures pop up there) daydreams are hallucinations are sent from either higher beings or you think your cursed and see horrible stuff but if youd rather see art amazing fucking art man thats all i see since i programmed it using beliefs ok so theyre showing me kimya dawson on like a star shaped cookie christmas ornament and it has white frosting and is a tan cookiie i see them ghosts hand it on a xmas tree its a photo of her on the ornament and she comes alive the picture and says lets connect basically

OK but please show me a metaphor my hearts tip of my tongue waiting for surprise "show belly button" "you;'re not an alien'


connecting to her spirit is very nice i think i got the reincarnated her im very impressed at how happy she is thats great :)

i wish riri will come and i hope we can start our own music label something like "hearts unlocked united" if thats not taken i think is a good name for a label :) i have some old friends that are musicians too

it would be cool if we could get some of the non signed signed and kickstart their music careers i love dreaming i know it feels best to do for great reasons cause you gotta open up to whats possiblle with this law of attraction i keep not doubting consistenly enough to stay stable emotionally stable in the highest zone heaven connected lol i wish that for all i wanna teach with rihanna and many more to meet like my music buddies all have wisdom found inside all does but yeah i wanna get famous just to help the world raise to newer and newer heights and blessings

i always had the dream of meeting the right people to help me get rich fast since i was a teenager i read that in my astrology chart from some websites interpretation on the natal chart blah blah anyways i thought man if that was true thats my highest that i can imagine on how to get rich

and like ...i always wished to play music with kimya i mean shows and so many other bands too and like we should improv some :) thats super fun and learn to memorize is my goal songs actually writing them down lol

anyways speaking of dreams abraham hicks was there too :) i think they adding in visualls of people based on my hearts wishes like anthony green i see now in vision regina spektor etc im not gonna name them all list is too long

but i know rihanna is generous like me but at the same time i wanna sell music and have a very large percent go to my charity

which is called help people get home <3

we need to make money to help these homeless people and mental health communities the most i think and i mean all around the world help everyone out i believe the lords work is mine IN the way that i have so many people teaching positivity and im super glad im not alone teaching and that its very easy to speak up based on experience and some channeling sum ups i have to get better at channeling talking wise but it shouldnt be that difefrent than writing

anyways help people get home <3 doesnt stop there it will be like basically make enough money to give free books to people a book specially dedicated to help increase the awareness of the heaven nirvana found inside and

once we get that stableness emotionally in the high spots thats when life is like a giant massage from the 'air' lol

i desperatly feel is my mission to help the world idk if im qualified to run for president but i wanna help on that wide spread scale help all the governments feel best ever and not only governments everyone

i dont speak in lacks but i feel like if i could help with actions not only just imagining and believing in best but i wanna be able to actively be an aid to good wealth first is spiritual wealth cause that will get you good habbits in acknowledging all the many blessings we have and Man if i was president id say F THIS just print out more money LMAO and make homes and

wheel chair able homes are gonna be a necessity

some wheel chair people stay stuck in mental asylums

i went to one it sucks when you stuck there i was but i walked on pain just to bust my way out LMFAO legitly

once we get everyone into heaven atleast way more numbers increasing of for peace...on earth and love

id really want to build homes as we please with money never running out if we still even need money but eventually kick out the need for money and use robots alot more for food factories and so on and the angel gods are upgrading earth as we speak theres a perfect timing for evolution but keep it in check that you believe in it too itll feel better than not believing in it for a reason its a guide lol the heart vs broken heart the love vs the pain routes never go the pain routes

i imagine people wouldnt just stay home

there can be plenty of places to vollunteer to make more relationships and help earth lol As for jails we have to teach the criminals and once they know their real selves let them out

i want to give the kids some fun video games but not only (in other countries too ) i wanna help the poverty victims first (and my friends and family) but just allow things to flow and learn as many peace techniques that actually work best for you cause youll feel best and yeah Im becoming more perfect every day (thoughts wise) im like probably 97% always thinking positive and when negative comes up its on accident and i learned to say positive versions of the negative things said cause that just is so much more powerful for good anyways we can still have schools but i want to upgrade some of it to be more spiritual and like i wanna make schools free eventually if you knew Your true selves. .. . you would feel so driven by inspiration to make this world a best ever place with beliefs imagining and actions we can move things along enough

in other words we would make love sometimes and alot of times but also theres passion inside and i believe it can be used to help everyone in a nurturing way cooks are gonna be so huge dont worry if its packaged or animals you can love animals but honestly if you eat plants too their alive in actuality too but some people dont know that they were made to feed us or keep as pets some plants even eat meat animals do it doesnt mean were tramatizing souls in there just thats my take on it cause god is good and gods dont set up lives for souls that are made to be in trama all their lives,,,,the cows lining up to get slaughtered dont have souls they will reflect certain things at you like the dog whisperer points out but im not against eating meat and plants and junk food dont hate me lol i have a clear view of trusting that souls wouldnt live lives where they wont have any joy it will be worth it some way we can help even people who torture others to grow hearts and let their victums free so law of attract it and teach peace and feel peace and believe peace and use real love

criminals are looked at like young kids from highest selves their kids in the way that they never learned how good the heart is and howo to feel best ever no matter what and discovering the true self that is love real love its not a harmful person we have to teach respect and law of attract best and i used to have a young age metaphor when i wasnt great at thinking positive cause i just simply didnt know any better and thats how criminals are so help teach them nurture them dont look down on them forgive them for they know not what they do feel safe to attract safe events etc

theres real ways to stay safe its law of attraction and controlling thoughts to not fear and destroy so much like god is great lifes laws are so great how the world ticks is what i mean its best designed so i believe there has to be a non violent way to really be protected or its in the way of not attracting a need to be protected so (in ways that you can just always be safe)

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