Here is Roah's Theme song:
What is Channeling?
Channeling Does occur in such a trance state but its not empty trance what we mean by this is its not about the mind going blank its about being consciously aware of the downloads of information you can get access to. You can grant us permission to let you do this it wont happen without us knowing its something that you would love to do. Of course and it is very pleasant to do so.
How do you do Channel?
Yes a certain training will be genuinely brought to you by us though we will further describe it here for you so that you can see whats on our agenda. For the learning experience has greatly depended on Going "AHA! That's it!" and you gain that through your own trials and maybe errors. First step is listening to your heart flow out the words that are sticking out to you in feeling. Its how you download our thoughts. And it would not lack feeling great attached to it as you download please take our waves of bliss and joy they can come right at you... now if you wish. Use faith to open up and faith in it will feel good and you will see what we mean.
What is the 3rd Eye?
To those who are visual we can show you words as if on the screen of what your spirit eyes can see. Some call all these other senses to be nourishing health benefits of the 3rd Eye being open. You can even look up 3rd eye awakening. We will tell you what it means, to see things hear and or feel things that others don't always seem to sense as in yes its hallucinated occurrences of which is perfectly the healthiest kinds you can imagine (sober and clean ftw), and we mean positive and so called friendly? We are not fake friends, we are of several pasts and future timelines that you already know but some are kept secret for a certain time. Divine Timing.
How to have positive ESP or 6th Sense?
Good Faith or positive feeling best to believe in beliefs will help you all in so many things in life. Please kindly take our warning for we mean you no harm. There are lower channels we persistently want you not to worry about them but to turn them off (bad voices etc) You have to use all your faith in what you want done...try it Some things take time but when it comes to what your spirit receives is sometimes much faster than seeing things manifest in the physical. Law of Attraction goes hand in hand. Just remember to keep believing in what feels best. Its about letting go of what hurts. Including beliefs! Its The Emotional Guidance System that Abraham-Hicks has channeled about.
Who do you Channel?
Higher Selves of those who watch over us from heaven. They wish to help us all get to heaven on earth found inside the self its the same as a sense of peace and wellness to learn faith to make great habits of what you learn throughout all your journeys.
Who is ROAH?
Short for RO-WAND its me when im aligned with my higher self/over soul. Roah sounds like ROW from the ROW your boat song Life is butt a dream in a way lol When it comes to the law of attraction and etc lifes a trip when keeping good faith and we mean the best kind of trips you can ever imagine to take first feel it inside then know how to manifest.
Whats the Law of Attraction?
We live in a vibrational world cause everything vibrates in nature cause were sound. And the higher channels are higher vibrations that lift us up emotionally and physically but you need to define the beliefs in a way that feels good LIfe mechanics include rewarding positive thoughts and beliefs as follows you can get what you want see what i recommend below for more study.
What other channels do you recommend?
Law of attraction information started from Abraham-Hicks (Esther) and then there's Bashar (Darryl Anka) i havent had time too dive into others yet. but i'm sure there's more great ones out there.