added note: yes we were in pyramids, it had long tables,
pic credit
My Sleep Dreams 2013 i was a pharaoh and heaven dream about Teara by Karen k Soon
had sex with rihanna said she was my twin flame with fire around us torches surrounded by gold coffins etc coins treasure etc
i had another dream later i had sex with kat von D though she looked more ancient Egyptian in head wear (had a golden snake on it) kinda like the videos picture
i know rihanna has a kat von d look past life though
she was in another dream her name was teara she looked a bit different they're both beautiful
in this other dream teara said she was my twin flame and we went in a beautiful yard with grass and pools and Jacuzzi we were in and there was greek columns in it with golden dishes
and grape vines and teara showed me she jumped off a ledge to say to me wouldnt it scare you if i died like that like you were trying to do in real life (2015 in that dream) (in 2014 i tried dying by jumping off a bridge into the freeway super careful not to kill anyone else i used faith others would be ok (I WILL EXPLAIN MORE ABOUT that in another video) anyways
Teara made me promise id never try anything like that again and she said i will have a blessed life as karen
Rihanna Tattos 19 - 2013 Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti
Skyrims Biggest TREASURE - How to enter Gyldenhul Barrow DEATHBRAND QUEST