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Had a negative cry moment but got joy back

Writer's picture: roahaddsignroahaddsign

i just realized i wasnt quite in tune enough beliefs wise for the dimensions i channeled a few days ago... i forgot my dominent belief was i can channel info like bashar but can like abraham hicks bashar channels ET info... i have to meditate on not limiting myself about the info i recieve i gotta get it good enough to flow it best

questions i need to channel answers

1. what is multidimensional 2. what is a multiverse 3. whats the difference between dimension and density 4. how man dimensions can there ever be? 5. if dimensions are realms are they like places or levels of upgraded bodies or can we make multiple realms or do they just make rooms on the planes or realms that already exist?

i tried to look up what the difference of density and dimension is i remember i heard bashar channel somethings like when people talk about dimension they actually should say density but its been so long idk wtf LOL but i understand different websites try to explain the dimensions or densities and it goes over my head on Wait why is there a bunch of different explainations that dont quite make complete sense

like the 10th dimension is the god level consciousness and 9 is christ level or whatever it was but im like I feel christ consciousness here in 3D so isnt that false? lol

no making fun i just never wanted to know space stuff that much but et i want to increase connections to them

i tested my channeling by saying give me a word i dont know the definition of and you explain it before i look it up

and the first word was contusion they showed me a hitting of the fist on skin but i saw it the wrong way i thought they were smashing it that it means like i think the word is contort hold on yeah YAY thats what i thought they meant (i didnt know what contort meant till now so i got that one right feelings wise) i got mixed up contort with contusion

contusion is a bruise i think i looked it up too fast since i did before i was sure

but the second word was conundrum

i didnt know that was a real word but i heard it so i couldnt recieve wtf it meant by channeling right so i looked it up fast and it just was a sign its definition = a confusing and difficult problem or question.

which i had that belief more dominant the definition being my belief and i was like wowi probably shouldnt try before i believe better in a confident way

i thought bashars stuff was too hard to recieve cause hicks stuff = more like personal well being stuff which i heard so many videos from her i thought channeling her stuff is way easier so then it was

when channeling hicks info i have confidence so they give me new words to my vobab i look up what it means and it matches perfectly with their sentances right one time they told me the reptillian et was saurian and i looked that up it was googled as a real ET type which was reptillian too so it matched

its not completely random and i want to evolve it to be more accurate with my reception

now they give me the word concise i say doesnt that mean accurate?

they said look it up its basically brief accurate information

for this one: sui generis they said pig but it actually means animals for solipsistic they said its a unique person

its definition is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

so thats technically right i had to resist looking it up too fast for it to be accurate for epistemological they said someone who is logical in music

definition: relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

i see how theirs relates i kinda doubted them but i think they use examples lol not definitions so far the previous word was laconic

which is what im looking for (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.

maybe thats why its not all the way accurate lol yet

they said impishness means wait i forget what i heard but it was completely wrong the definition is mischievous naughty devils

then they said TO GOT TO GO

i had the worst what if before this that its demons so they are giving me feedback here ima take a break lol ima just stick to definitions i know lol'


i wanna learn from spirits who are nice...right? i know how to stay in peace is to have no thoughts that cause pain. i wish i didnt forget when i was born though its nice sometimes just to relearn soul things but what i hate is when i can not seem to get right enough info..i wonder why my present conscious awareness cant just automatically download right information im not trying to be a show off im trying to get sincere info about my past and stuff to me church just doesnt fill the gaps i just do better existing in the know that hell doesnt have to exist its sad that most accidently go there but to feel empowered enough to get out and heaven connect is key i guess maybe i just get too nervous and it backfires on me.....part of me just wants to make up stories but another part wants to remember everything im kinda homesick of the other side again higher more evolved society ets seem to have nicer lives i just wish i wasnt reincarnated at tines its confusing why we have to be here if you dont think its to enjoy life still waiting on manifestations to come but without conditioning myself that i need things to be happier i just wonder why i cant get where i want to be why does it take so long?

i wish i could make music for example but i dont want to at my current 'home' music was so accurate for me it foretold my future

i just feel lonely :( today i cried jesus again seemed demonic then kurt cobain came into view he hugged me and i felt better :) im back to feeling best :) i went back to crying cause i dont wanna die without a real romance and feel like my family will never let me go back just cause i have different spiritual beliefs than them but the voices told me to allow my beliefs to not act according to how peoples expectations are like me not being mormon and when i cried i saw heaven i saw the clouds on the roof open a hole where the heavenly beings looked down on me and helped me wwant to live :) they say dont worry that abraham hicks is right

if i left voices alone idk what my spiritual reality would be i think id most want it to be abraham hicks info cause that way maybe my dreams can come true they actually taught her info at the mental lock down place i was in a lot of people are into law of attraction i feel like its too early to give up maybe channeling is a part of my consciousness without me knowing it is i can get info but i wonder why cant i get names in a psychic way and definitions to new words and solutions to math problems maybe for the better but still i talk to ghosts usually but haven't at all today idk for sure if they are always good in actuality or if they mislead me but i have good judgment when it comes to never hurting people or myself... atleast im not totally lost

i feel hopeless about ever gaining a real job cause of my past injury i wish it could get better but honestly idk if faith alone could heal them enough i have pain in them while just laying down now if i embraced psychiatry its like i think im mentally stable enough to work but not physically so i get scared cause worst case scenario im gonna have to be dependent on others i feel like id never make it alone but idk this worlds people seem like monsters sometimes not saying here is but idk if id ever find a good enough woman as my wife i dont really want to settle with just one man no offense as a born female id rather be les than straight


i think voices wise i dont really wanna do things not that important i mean darryl anka said when he channels bashar , bashar uses darryls vocabulary

and i dont wanna really know anyones business like the asking the psychic if your a real psychic whats my moms name?

they usually just say great grand mother on your moms side


and yeah id love to help but im not out to prove anything except

beliefs are powerful if you can be hella psychic great for you but as for me im not interested in knowing so many personal details i take alot of pride in being a good listener to my friends etc like they choose to tell me and im honored and stuff like that

as for math i hate math i laugh and enjoy the fact that im bad at it lol

im back to listening the good voices

its easy to fall to bad voices if i think worst what ifs

so i have to stay on the straight and narrow

belief/faith i only hear great voices

they do come to comfort my every cry

which i had to word it as cries feel so pleasing with pleasure then it started doing that so activate your comfort cries in case but honestly i love life i think i have some telelpathy just cause its pleasure when they talk to me and all i have to do is just hear them and see them and i feel very good ;) i think its real cause honestly its the most intense pleasure and i just sit there smoking or just laying down only and it happens only when theyre around lol so im lucky to have them


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