I used to dream lucid in my dreams i was asking the people in my dream to show me the secret ......to not act dumb like i knew the people in my dream were actors pretending not to know anything right
so when i put faith in telling them come on i know you know the secret and faith that they'll tell me
that's when they stopped acting like they didn't know
they knew perfectly the plans we were in a super market but the lady i think she looked similar to kwin the one that's like ok i will tell you the secret AND we went into the DOOR WITH LIGHT a secret door that i wasn't supposed to be too loud or bad people would get me but in the light i was safest i got the answer but forgot when i woke up
Side story:
kwin when i met her now him in this life ‘he she’ said she was engaged to robyn for 7 years that they were supposed to get married
what if shes a me giving me a hint cause that's rihanna's name (kwin and rihanna are in more dreams later)
recalling all this is giving me….clues closer to what i've been searching for I KNOW SEE THE OPEN DOOR of light open right now…
also..now that i review the dream in 2019
making this video The answer... : I see that the door could resemble the true self i think it does because i'm powerful they keep telling me to law of attraction believe that everyone knows they're actually real love....so i'm trying to attract that for them so everyone could feel as blessed as me abraham-hicks says its not a broken world so i'm cleverly living with that as my beliefs is about Observing non wanted things less and IMAGINING MORE AWESOME STUFF instead not feel bad for others cause it makes things worse....so the true highest self versions of us want us to feel safe so we don't attract paranoia beliefs to come true....but its all about not worrying let go of beliefs that give us pain like not focusing on lack or doubt and knowing best highest dreams come true instead
hope you have a nice day
this song connects some: