i had a dream rihanna gave me a sticker sheet of thick paper iy was kinda like plastic reminds me of my shirt with the chuckie doll guy gambling with a lot of money.
on the sticker was proof that she was mine cause it said it and she made it it was sent to me i got it had my name on it
i fell vibration wise and law of attraction didn't bring her so my doubts were being focused on..
my dad told me to be happy
and then i realized i have to not doubt in order to attract her more efficiently
and thats how im happier cause doubting hurts
so im doing it right according to abraham hicks
eventually i hung out with rihanna at the end
there were some jokes about thats so raven the tv show lol i made a raven face LMFAO = that stop and stare like a day dream cause psychic visions happened lol
over all it was a nice dream
i slept then woke up to my room mate watching this
THE MOST IMPORTANT 34 MINUTES OF YOUR ENTIRE DAY - connect and listen (abraham-hicks meditation)
i woke up at the very beginning of it ^
shes watching another abraham-hicks :)
Abraham Hicks - Dealing with negative family
oh in the dream she showed that sticker sheet on a music award tv show then all of a sudden it was mine (the beliefs that feel great about her are sticking to me trust me)