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Hearts are Welcome! Subtitle: AND NO DANGER TO THE UNKNOWN. (Short Story)

Writer's picture: roahaddsignroahaddsign

Updated: Sep 21, 2019

©  Karen K. Soon (All rights reserved) Title: Hearts are Welcome!  Subtitle: AND NO DANGER TO THE UNKNOWN. (A Tale Written with my lovely spirit guides) So: By Roah+ Ch. 1 Finding Quests too hard to find?

The Pirate Johnny is He who thinks he’s... All Alone. He makes a groan, Then he goes to pray his best. He then thinks his prayer to seemingly just himself, for he doesn’t know if God is real. He says: “Arr Hard to take this pain, is the pain i feel, for i wish not to die. If i could only buy my time to then increase it as if to feel it like as real as holding something grand in my hands, This time...”(There’s a sword in his gut.) “Arr I see a bloody mess on my hands instead.”  (He wasn't sure how to pray though.)

He knew not that real angels heard him. Until A light came and gently blinded his eyes, at first and just as He looks up to the sky: An Arch Angel named David speaks first and says to him “Rejoice for you have not yet lost. For My angel family and I Don’t want to bid you ado or misfortune. And know we are your family too.”

Johnny sees them and says to them, “Arr but my friends have met Death, I’ve even seen their fate. I watched them walk down deep into the jungles, as if related to their holes were dug just for their bodies alone. As if that's what destiny is. And How can i take such a daunting task as a quest? Arr I’d rather be Eating my own shoe since to paint the picture it isn’t hard as this will-”

The angels work to hush him they say “as a matter of fact Johnny, I have work to give ye not. But to work at a sound mind? We’d rather say play as if nature has met it’s grace.”

Johnny then turns to vomit. “Yeah I’m safe you’ve saved me” He says sarcastically. He tries to hide the hurt from them seeing it in his eyes..But tears come down instead. “Oh David for if I knew the great king of kings would he perhaps grant me my dying wish? For I do not wish my life to be cut so short”

The Angels try to use wit “How short do we cut it? Gee maybe when you turn 160” Another angel says “Not too good, We have to give him a bargain, What about 200?” They laugh and say “see we are being that kind to you. And we can get kinder”

Johnny turns quiet. They kindly gesture him to use his words. Johnny then says “I thought you were joking but this doesn’t feel like a joke at all. But then again, How do I know if the lack of blood is just making me hallucinate all of you ARRR”

David speaks “We are your spirit guides we speak to you know because we are Guardians for you, and its just not your time yet. ”

Johnny asks for proof. Then all of a sudden his bleeding clots and therefore stops bleeding. The woman Angel, Artemistress ,says “Seems like we gave you a miracle Johnny. How do you feel now? Thankful?”

And he says “Why me, why haven’t thee saved my friends too for they had their faults but I loved them like they were my family, Its not fair to them.”

Artemistress replies “They are still here with you now Johnny” (The angels who surrounded Johnny moved aside enough for Him to see them.) One of his friends says “I Michael am safe Johnny, There is much to teach thee, for best results know we aren’t so far away from you ever. Promise? And don’t forget we are real love. We won’t be fake love to you”

Johnny starts to take things in slow. Hearing voices is new and still goes on daily now. They weren’t always the purest forms of love, seemingly. Which had him worried. As weeks go by He asks real intently For his real guardians to show up..For there must be a way past the demons. He often failed at connecting to them though, He was desperate to get the love back. And he was so desperate to talk to Artemistress. After the day that he first saw her spirit. He grieves someone so beautiful has to be in the spirit realm. If he could he thinks he would so marry her. The guardians show up as he planned his suicide. “Now look johnny we want you to not jump off that cliff.” Johnny says “you guys finally show up where have you been? “

They said “notice the reflections” And he did soon after cause when he thinks angry he feels angry sent back at him through the visions of faces…So he tries to believe in he can switch their Facial expressions. Then he realizes they mirror him. He switches from happy to sad and watches their faces change.

He thinks why would they reflect him? “Go johnny you are almost there to what we want you to see” He then notices Its as if the angels speak with Gods voice. Except they are more than one person. “Keep going you’re almost there” They ask him again to not jump off the cliffs edge.That he will see it.

So he asks “Why is god in His angels when aren’t angels lower” They said “Reflections Johnny we’re up here, cheer up” And He goes aha What do you mean up? OH CHEER UP is see well that makes sense” he’s sarcastic again. He senses they are not of this world for they are on another level. “Higher”… He starts to really think ….about it “higher we go” he tries to rejoice and tries to cheer up He then  realizes that he’s thankful God has shown themselves to him. And he feels happier thinking that thought. Hove then feels the le rain down in him tremendously. So much he starts sobbing. “You gave me what I’ve been needing. Wow” He says shocked. He adds “I think I understand reflections now at least enough to live” He then walks away from the cliff. “To keep us near know we always are right beside you then you will always have us in your senses and know the lower entities cant reach us from up here” Johnny gains their insights as he tries his best to believe better.

(idk if done but its like I'm playing with my toys but newer stories from them lol I'm role playing as the hopeless captain) 

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