added: before i met kwin in this life she was again in my dream i was looking for her in a mansion they said shes very important.....then i found this room:
i had a dream i walked into a room with a bunch of men trying to take my clothes off i then saw them age backwards soon they were little kids going on a school bus before they were aging backwards jesus as a voice asked me what he jesus said
i knew immediately her refereed to the bible stories of when he was on a cross he said "Forgive them for they know not what they do" and i believe it
i forgive and i love unconditionally and have a lot of passion for higher self alignment get to know the true self = true gods= LOVE real real love nothing bad or negative and that is who we are ....really so try to understand that is waking up to me and for you would feel best if you were connected and that rape wont be as satisfying as real love making is that's my belief its true i can bet my life on it. Darker deeds aren't right but i believe we can all grow to be our happier loving selves bless you all
i had this dream back when i asked god if hating bad or evil people was right and i learned I LOVE kids and we were all once kids ...and we get to learn we have infinite chances to change because in us there is all the potential to be bright and brilliant in life and its not about hating people back its about taking the high road and its also about self love TELL YOURSELF ONLY LOVE THOUGHTS don't use the mind to torture you let go of the thoughts that feel bad that's not the right way to the x marks the spot is on the heart it has treasure im not bluffing connect to heaven NOW imagine how that would feel and believe it can touch you now in the peaceful most blessed cheered up ways i wish for my people to be saved i picture you there already Hope to see you with higher selves soon for me i already see the wings on all people. remember who we are is to remember you too... for our core selves have the same essential ingredients we don't want to ever look down on people. we come in peace we wish peace upon all... we wont be hard on you feel the love heal grow share thanks. if you hate because you are hated you only are copying why ever hate? is it for justice? see with heavens eyes not hells...try. faith good faith i only wish to share blessings its why i write with them higher ups cause we on the same vibe
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