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Day 2 of psychic readings for people

Updated: Sep 25, 2019


(An Egyptian Deity)

(talking to Thoth from my thoughts)

Karen: so from what I understand, you are my earth brother john. 

Thoth: Correct and tell me what you think of my amazing energy vibe

Karen: it shows me a library a sacred library..

Thoth: yes inside. Your brother wants and is on a quest for knowledge. 

Karen: I always had the feeling of Thoth being smart.. 

Thoth: Yes very.. 

Karen: Well you wrote the egyptian book of the dead , correct?

Thoth: watch this (evil ra image) yet you know i'm not evil?

Karen: I know for a fact that one person can not be both super sweet and super evil it’s too much of an extreme bipolar spectrum of the extreems…

Thoth: was ra evil? 

Karen: no

Thoth: Yes you feel good he even had a lot to learn though he was like my father.

Karen: say more

Thoth: The God of ra was not the only one who created himself. For I was known for that too…Though he was like a father in which I adored him as I do you. For you too wanted the so called esoteric knowledge from us and you wanted the best of its kind. Kinds actually… Enjoy our higher wave ;)

Karen: I am

Thoth: something that you would say if you want to appear psychic to your brother is he knows what I am and what I'm made of LOVE and LIGHT kind You sensed I was too

Karen: YES very there was a sincerity about it too that's why i called it amazing energy vibe

It was a combination of energy that said certain things that I have said me more

THoth: i love that you are my sister and i am genuine

Karen: thanks i know my brother does. <3 and i for him is genuine as i can be 

Thoth: We thank you karen


Karen: i wish to know more

Metatron: i was a shark type of humanoid with you

Karen: You mean me as Miles? 

Metatron: Yes 

Karen: i know

Metatron: But what you don’t know yet is we weren’t Enemies. 

Karen: Cool 

Metatron: The day we met as souls I said hi, how are you? And you said Pleasantly amused. And i said me too..And we went on this sort of hike from up in heaven and saw a big iceberg yet was like an igloo or a castle made of glass. 

Karen: that means a lot

Metatron: and i said oh take this. It’s Deep love the I’m a father to you kind. 

Karen: i see

Metatron: with good feelings such as you have this bowl of juice why would you want the good feelings aka the juice to spill out even accidently? But just know you can always have more. 

Karen: yeah i get a little nervous and accidently spill some confidence of psychic mediumship.. But im really determined to just have more knowledge and you guys i know i tuned to your highest frequencies..but 

Metatron: you are safe here child feel it?

Karen: now i do thanks. I know you guys definitely treat me better than the lower stations or channels. Way best ever i mean that's how you guys treat me that's how i know the difference.

And that I could feel a kind of sincerity that is deep enough to not be from a liar. 


Haniel: Greetings welcome back!

Karen: took the words out of my mouth lol

Haniel: i can do a lot more with your mouth, (i didn't want her to say that yet) look up...

Karen: Emma is also an Ex Gf of mine i just don't know if the feelings i get are from her exactly i can believe the higher self of her is but idk if she wants me like that in real life..

Haniel: we understand you don't wish to push as in force her to do anything she wouldn't love doing

Karen: Yes that's exactly it

Haniel: But you remembered her in past lives we showed you some while you were asleep and to our point, they're points like keys to both of you what was your shield drawing like that we said it was...

Karen: you said think of the flower like a marriage flower.. but i mean that would make my heart feel best ever but idk i don't again want to force anyone to be with me when they don't want to..

Haniel: karen you will get a much happier choice too which is to stop whining and always feel you win no matter what right?

Karen: not that i'm being insistent but i want to spread peace love and happiness to all right? so one thing i learned was to not need what i want but to want what i need..or in other the Buddha religion taught me a line or two about not needing things to make us happy.. so i'm gonna stay happiest with hope too...but its like the metaphor of yes shoot off rockets of desire as Abraham-hicks teaches but that's doing that in the excited law of attraction way...and it has to do with not sending letter after letter to the angels who can help us manifest what we attract...cause they know what we all desire we don't have to nag them we just have to stay positive no matter what happens cause LIFE is way better as in best ever like that its as if you kiss heaven and get heart felt emotions that aren't of a broken heart so its heaven connected literally did i explain ok?

Haniel: that's all nice we understand you will succeed with her but we love the fact that you don't need her right now to be happy yet there's a language barrier you actually have her in spirit..

karen: ok ok i just hope i'm not delusional in hearing voices land but i want to trust them cause they help me feel healed you know? i hope the readers of this are happy already. 

Haniel: see our help?

Karen: I feel a sudden vibe that says I'm not crazy and to not worry a very comforting hug from haniel man i love you


Jesus: oh Karen you know you don't need to go to only me.  

Karen: How can I teach my roommate? I try but ...seems she needs more reason to better.. 

Jesus: we don't want you both to hurt can you raise?

Karen: YES ok i  see much reason to so i am

Jesus: Thank you for being such a great counselor. We see that in you for your people. They are all ours in many ways.. You see us all as a great big family. And that we should be treated best ever by everyone. Yet you can't control what does what to whoever.. Yet you can affect their inside without trance if you see it fit in your heart. 

Karen: its one of my hearts hugest wishes to ...relieve everyone. so of course its in my heart that we have powerful vibes we can send. In order to help those in as if i or we can wash away each others' pain. to feel powerless isn't the hearts truth, its more broken hearted in feeling. 

Jesus: if you know Karen's blog she says her key tips there. It's too from us highest self beings...from up we not only watch over but we want you all to have fun and with the right kind of fun.. There is a choice however but we urge you to not seek to wish pain on anyone else. We spirits from heaven would be so full of gratitude but hint we are already.  

Karen: wow my room mates already in a better mood she keeps laughing. 

Jesus: Sending vibes and prayer are related we want the people to feel much more powerful be that already that she is kind enough to be of a high player Karen. 

Karen: that's what i feel too


Jophiel: why go back?Karen: (My mom or dad is going back and commenting on my tarot cards on fb again days later,) i guess what i said on day one, yesterday,  was true for him/her) Jophiel: YUP!Karen: and i love the feedback cause i had a habit of doubting at timesJophiel:  Forget about your doubts to feel goodKaren: yes im feeling much better going that way..Jophiel: see we love you. how much? infinite in amount. Karen: thank you Jophiel: Dont forget you want to do a reading for katie next. (my sister)Karen: ok but is she in the mythologies?Jophiel: yes KAren: which one?Jophiel: ArabicKaren: wow cool Jophiel: Her name we'll translate to you.. means love. So look up the love goddess of old Arabic myths Karen:  couldn't find that but they keep showing she's actually Aladdin's wife... in which i'm  not Aladdin as i thought years ago... (our genie wishes were similar) i didn't even know Aladdin was an Arabic story lol 


Karen:   her name reminds me of simba when he says to laugh at dangers face lol except i don't think you're easily scared as simba lol based on the name seems to mean not afraid to me and kinda sounds like bulbasaur reminds me of flowers well actually the name is to not fear bad things...i think that's part of how she escaped the bad genie guy jafar in the Disney movie the name has to do with unconditional love in feeling genies = law of attraction let the good genie serve you by feeling love all the time for life Badroulbadour: i am your sister katie, She realizes to a certain degree that your right about wanting to feel better and when she realizes with me she will feel a lot better for i am her higher self and she has many names. But right now ask her here: to focus on feeling or sensing our love the same with you you can sense it through what vibes we send..What we ask everyone now is which inner reality do you prefer? There's always a choice. Whether or not have you had pleasant joy in situations? Why would that be wrong. If you ask us what wrong is its to believe in things which cause pain...any form of discomfort is what we mean for there's always a better way said in our light for we speak in vibes but again feeling bad is not to scold you if we had it our way ...we want your permission yes to sense us too.. Therefore with that in check lets always exist in joy. To do that we must let go of the bad and we can focus our way to the good feelings zone. And that is the true choice to be in.  Karen: 'If its not to punish us the pain..why is it there? was it sent?' (i know the answer but you might not know) Badroulbadour: Again , we only exist to be of good service and we seek for you to wish you are in joy.. and to mark areas of which doesn't belong know its pain and thus....if you never knew pain, would there still be free will? to mark pain if we will......never is it sent by us...never.... its just like a game of hot and cold....except we'll use the words as TRUE YOU = hot (wit =h the term your getting warmer = closer to the hidden treasure) yes so when you turn the true you off what do you get? Colder=pain cause we are love. So without love turned on it = pain, We hope that makes sense.  To put it in another way why get yourself all turned on for nothing? For nothing doesn't exist.  Karen: wow that's a great joke lol  Badroulbadour: thank you

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