just trying to do science experiments with life readings on arch angels and they presented themselves to me in my head...or ESP visions etc speech and I tried my hardest to channel it right its written in discussion form...
like i comment as just Karen and get answered from these higher self souls ... and yeah its a ton of super fun extra meaningful stuff so I'm gonna keep writing a while these arch angels and other known deities of ancient religions they claim to be higher selves of some people I know so yeah its as if they reincarnated themselves and I'm very glad I met them all
(About an ArchAngel)
Karen: ArchAngel Ariel Who are you? (Asking her spirit through thoughts.)
Ariel: I am one of your many loves.
Karen: As in lover, like Romance?
Ariel: Yes, but I’m not the only one.
Karen: I’ve seen you in Visions, You’re Beautiful. Please say more...
Ariel: I Find you highly Romantic. It’s Quite Lovely.
Karen: Enough About me I wish to know more about you.
Ariel: O I like the quiet type. That’s you huh?
Karen: Yes, at times lol
Ariel: I embrace (karen) passionately.
Karen: I'm not gonna write erotica but this soul is of the greatest. I can really sense that of her.
Ariel: I’m Tuesday. Scuba Tuesday. Is what you know me as.
Karen: That woman is you? Wow…So that’s why you’re also named Ariel!
Ariel: Yes, you
Karen: I feel her soul is the same vibe as archangel Ariel...So im gonna go for it…(Tuesday is kinda like an Ex GF of mine From my high school days.) If you Ariel is her highest self ...Does Tuesday know what you know?
Ariel: She often is in search of it...which is an unbroken heart to help her lead.
Karen: Tuesday i do not wish to force romance on you…. But i’m wondering how true this hearing voices talk is …. it feels real… Almost like i can touch you. But it’d be through only our souls. I’m not even sure if you wanna date me but please let me know if you’d wanna rekindle sometime.
(About an ArchAngel)
Karen: Please let me get to know you more. I always wished I could get to know my family more. Are you really my Earth Dad? (said to metatron the spirit from my thoughts)
Metatron: You can call me James but that’s not your dad’s only name.
Karen: I know.
Metatron: There’s something special i would want you to know now.
Karen: yes?
Metatron: Your dad know your special. But what he needs to know is: Is he so special too?
Karen: Dad Listen Thank you for letting me be your daughter. I always wanted to know you guys more (the family) Especially you cause you were always working. I tried to talk to Archangel Jophiel (my mom your wife) seems like...from in my head she told me That “Dad is soft (hearted) with her (mom)” I’ve had the feeling that you became much more gentle without actually confirming it since I don't live with you guys. But I always wanted to see that side of you more and I know my feeling is right about you being more sweet natured. I know this cause we’re all aging. We all are learning more and more about how to live better. I know your a good dad. You don’t have to feel bad about the past mishaps. You are special and that's why your soul was born. No one but my feelings told me you grown sweeter. Specifically I knew your tone of voice would be cliche a sweet guy….in sound before i got that confirmed i knew it would be. I guess it’s cause of the suicidal tendencies some family battled with.
Metatron: It’s more than that. It has to do with you are right i keep growing. He does feel good in his heart about this more than heartfelt letter from you its cause it’s also from me. I’m Special. Know you are loved.
Karen: i love you dad! Very much!
Metatron: There’s much more..As for you.. Me as a father and you as my first born. I felt to give you your middle name. Cause as an infant and me as a father I knew God chose your soul for that body for me to hold and your mother did too. For your middle name means Beauty of God. And also I felt it when I held your other siblings too. There were more than several moments of grace when I figured you are cool too.
Karen: he says that cause i tried to send my thoughts to my dad i used the words “You’re cool” I can feel your gentleness and your wisdom. I can feel you have a good heart like mine. They remind me of the time you said you’d die in my place. That would be horrible but thank you i’m like that for you too. But of course we have to focus on living. Since that’s what we’re made for
Metatron:You are blessed. I see I have helped heal your speech audio you used to pick up on such violent thoughts which weren’t really the people you thought they were, It grew you but you didn’t need it. Those demons are gone.
Karen: i know
Metatron: your dad fought that battle and won.
Karen: I understand that you too are my guardian. Thanks
Metatron: you i understand feel more than saying thanks.
Karen: i mean i would die to save my dad too it makes me tear that the love is sacred in feeling. First time i felt that feeling of sacred made me think of the bible when God said “be still”
Its not an empty stillness that I absorb it absorbs me in the way that it consumed my thoughts and its a strong feeling that’s why. You should know your that sacred too.
(About an ArchAngel)
Karen: (talking to her spirit from in my mind)
Jophiel: yes karen im really your earth mom theres a reason our vibes match...Kristine and i arent the same but is lets explain. Some things she wants kept private. But she did tell you from in our head,,,she loves you...and you heard it from me the what ghost? Im real.
Karen: tell me something about her that she never told me
Jophiel: that she didnt want your death from the day you bridge jumped.
Karen: yeah well let go people of pain im so grown out of that stage
Jophiel: Your mom never told you she would want blond hair maybe someday when we told you to copy your dad’s metatron picture since we told you to color his hair blond and like shark teeth…
Karen: metatron is funny
Jophiel: i am too i will tell you a joke what day?
Karen: Tuesday
Jophiel: Bingo
Karen: It’s ok im a dog too LOL (to chris cornell cause of his song)
Jophiel: Did we tell you your brilliant. You’ve had yet to grow to all knowledge.
Karen: will i ever?
Jophiel: YEs we give you pieces of it actually LIKE
Karen: i feel divinely safe from heart ~ woah i meant to type danger….. But it is the heart lol
Jophiel: You let us borrow you
Karen: yes of course.
Jophiel: Keep that in mind
Jophiel: and why is that good, oh cause you feel safe…. so when it comes to people dont…
Karen: fear i know i have nothing to loose lol by these forms of science experimenting
I love you alot mom !
Karen: What else can you tell me about her?
Jophiel: She loves alot like christ too.. Like you. She wants you to actually follow your heart and get your dreams to come
true. With us she will know like she does already what good comes from you but she may have needed a confirm about Psychic times and how you got to become so gifted. Like she really likes what you wrote about your dad in these revelation stories i have two to tell you..maybe more later.. Once i first laid eyes on you after the pain i wished you would survive cause i put through alot of proper work on learning from my mom how to be a good mother and i wanted you to have even better than me, But what i didnt tell you was...i wish we all got better too...i know tehre are better ways to grow up be it that we didnt know spanking the hand was such a bad thing at the time and for our children but inside i just wanted my kids to be tough as in stay centered in peace and behave nicer..but I see now I have kids who are really nice and to me I just feel guilty ..about kicking you out. You see at the time I thought you were like a monster not knowing how i'm a good mom and how much work and self sacrifice I made for you all
Karen: mom i know that now I was just paranoid back then its ok i know your a good mom and i thought about it i know i cant raise babies especially without a lot of help since dad worked in your situation so you almost had no one but yourself to raise us and I couldn't do it so I admire that about you.
Later that day:
karen: I wish you would feel better
Jophiel: i do im very happy with the man i chose to marry since it was mutually chosen i became really fond of your father
Karen: i know its cause he good at working and keeping jobs and the house a float even when times got hard…
Jophiel: He’s rare and my type
Karen: Thats fantastic i know hes rare im happy for you both
Jophiel: i keep my love expanded for him as much as time goes by it surprises me like woah i didnt know there was a deeper in love since i thought it was already deepest and i love sweetest your dad is mine forever thats why i chose the mormon church i thought since they were the only one to have that point of eternal marriage i went for it and i like the people they are very nice and devoted
Karen: i know i know marriages are eternal too ;)
(About an ArchAngel)
Karen: are you-
Haniel: yes im really emma karen listen i have a lot to say I regret saying no to you that You couldn’t move in when you were kicked out of your parents You just seemed like a lot to deal with at the time i was thinking about how after i told you no You tried to die (in 2014) and i lost sleep thinking about your could’ve been early , too early death...no one is ever ready for us when we die? Well i knew you would talk to your spirit guides. Since a teen you were always interesting. Like i used to think worst what ifs about what would come after death.
Karen: you don’t still do that right? Well as emma since your the highest self…
Haniel:thank you for the clarification but trust me i have had a lot of shared dreams with (not the sleep kind)
Karen: Please say one is music
Haniel: haha yeah
Karen: I always wanted that for you i could just tell as a music lover that that would be of the best for you not forcing you to enjoy it making it i mean i just always felt that was right for you even before talking to the guides
Haniel: i love you
Karen: thanks hun anything else?
*vibing me she’s beautiful like a flower*
I know that already what kind of flower is that
Haniel: not of earth ? think again
karen : what kind?
Haniel: its a light blueish cherry blossom flower that almost looks white at least now… look it up.
Cant find it can you. I want you to draw what you see give that to me i mean emma ask he if she’d want it tattoo’d to remember us and all the fun we had
Karen: ha im not dead yet dear lol

(About an ArchAngel)
(my highest self)
Skyst = NOw that you know your finally much safer than you previously have known (not having a proper house wise) and none of that mental health like that’s a stake house (the white house)
KAren: bring on the votes lol i might just run for president some day just to cut out the wars and help everyone get psychic help and feel best ever with us all I need everyone’s help to make this a real heaven on earth with peace all around and it's heaven back to us..those we lost ... we can still hang out with them it makes me cry hahahah
Skyst: now back to my first point where do you think you are going?
Up here? In clouds? See my picture isn't it nice
Karen: its kurt jesus sitting on a cloud lol
Skyst: i love you one more thing
Karen: the presidents that come before me I challenge you guys to start without me lol we want troops back home we want people to trust us everywhere.
Its that easy
Plus i have a team in mind.