Grief Counselling, Feel better, Work on receiving for joy!
We welcome you to this this day of gratitude and love. A lot of love. When you feel comfortable do you know what that is actually? (karen doesn't even know this yet but she can make a guess)
Karen: Is it you higher spirits?
Azrael+: From yes.
Karen: Well what else is it?
Azrael+ (Spirit guides): We find it too you are in tune but feel this answer come at you...
Karen: i got that its a gift from god
Azrael+: And you sense how that fits you fair in life? To ask and receive answers no matter how small at first they seem. Welcome to those of you who don't know Karen. We often do sense that love is happening to her through so called vibes or intense feelings of passion and joy. Pleasurable tides of bliss and compassion are available to all those who are open in the heart enough to feel it? Well you do this how? With faith yes , faith and beliefs are one the same to us. Focus on your receiving mode turned on, Do this with love you tell yourself ..that you can and then there it is, see? We told you we can do a whole lot of loving, Karen's not the only one. ;)
Azrael is known for being a form of a grief counselor. He showed us how we can open to how we communicate with other souls...
Azrael+: We wish to bless you all. no matter what you've done. We are not of greed to keep heavenly bliss from anyone. We just wished all knew how. And with this would you please share what you've found. If you find it valuable or interesting we can all be counselors of grief it isn't just one person or thing. It in its actuality is indeed beauty to come to be find it inside can be from you even.. or others especially...
SO we give thee here a special message. When it comes to giving and wanting please work on receiving. Some people are more open to this than others, But all can be at the same level if they only knew how. And who doesn't want to feel that great to feel Gods' around are too to be loved such as you. And we don't wanna take it away from anyone.
That makes us different than Typical Christians' Hell Beliefs. We don't even want to go there, with arguments you can all choose more cards cause in each card are pieces to a whole and we can possibly say it all in one word let alone a page or two or more... We all have unique perspectives on life well does yours feel good? if not We want you to let that belief go..
Holy Reflections
If you were to be feeling negative and if you hear voices...Always remember to Cheer UP is to go up vibration-ally with your frequencies i say this to relate to the radio in your head. Some are aware of so called voices in the head.... Please we must not have to fight for life and to want them gone if those ghosts seem evil..they only reflect you and the vibration you are on so Go up to gain better voices. Try to stay up as in cheered up.
We can help but often we only get to help those who are in tune even if just a moment of belief you will gain best advice to help you go up then we must be able to help you then so you have us arch angels and therefore other wise Gods as friends , family, etc From heaven here to share the bliss so align with Your highest self and seek its truthfulness of everything positive of your personality. Its the true you. To align with it is the same as standing in a waterfall of gods love for you always flows but we disconnect from it when we think negative so just work to realign with it and us We are from the highest frequencies you can imagine it to be super positive the comfortable kinds... We are comforters
And we are Protectors always allow us to protect you and do this in a way that you trust us and fear will only have you feel fear sent back to you like life just mirrors you so show the mirror in life that you know how to be your true self tin order to have all the good reflect or be sent back to you and you could also mirror blessings for others.
Don't focus on anyone's flaws. We believe there's brilliance in everyone. If you fight its important to say "I'm on Your side in the way that i care about you and also i care about everyone" In order to have less enemies speak of Your heart as if its super huge in metaphor is what Christ consciousness is like but We don't wanna single you out there compassion can be high you don't wanna hit anyone.. Use your words help them realize you are of arch angel healers. We will also help them feel it and you can even make friends through us with our help.
Treasure = Finding your true self = you really have big heart potential...
What everyone has inside them to find like their chest is x marks the spot on the treasure map metaphor dig inside search for the true you can find through meditation So if you haven't found your friends inside your head yet which if you rather not hear words what we will do is give you positive energy for you to put into words yourself it will feel literally best. if you don't feel comfortable dissect your beliefs...ask to be shown which belief is doing so and listen for our advice you can do it too.