i had a dream rihanna made me a very awesome song i forget what it said though but in that dream she told me she will come to get me then 2 dreams after that she said that too then the last dream was like a weird movie i was watching it was hilarious they kept calling neil patrick harris by his other actor names there was a black young boy he was a bad kid he was the best at four square he trying to take this little white girls record but theey sent him to the mental hospital for 2 years and after that the girl had to hide the record cause he was free and on his way to their shop ... people kept popping out saying we rebuke thee in the name of jesus it was hilarious cause they kept saying it so goofy then i was with my family and the boy changes skin color to white and he steals the girl and they hide somewhere in an ice cream freezer at another store on the way there the black boy was black again but this time he was grown enough to ride a cool motorcycle which was black street bike anyways he got away from my parents the girl chasing him in a van lol and right before that we were trying out icecream cakes we ended up fining the boy and girl i think the girl was my sister kayla but she and my family morphed into different forms thats it lol
the way i wanna be with rihanna is i want to be with her everywhere she goes and have others on the side for romance but i feel like rihanna is my twin flame shes like me but shes also my counterpart things we have opposite = she has confidence and thats really hot i just feel like my twinflame should be my main partner shes one i would want to have every day making love thats just how i feel about her
we seem really similar inside talking
like i wanna keep my romancers fair as possible not talking skin but i wanna be fair in the loving infintley but at the same time i crave rihanna the most ...i crave everyone wanna be deepest with everyone in a friends only way or romantic ways but like when it comes to closest i wanna be that with all but to be realistic ...i think law of attraction will sort out the divine timings but yeah like im having trouble wording i think since my twin flame is the first love and therefore the oldest romance i have based on existing longest i think our bond is closest but at the same time i dont wanna limit love like put a lid on it isnt me its the cup growing but blessings are welcome and i dont put anyone down and i think im most addicted to rihanna no offense