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Ho'oponopono for Self love & Radical Forgiveness

Writer's picture: roahaddsignroahaddsign

(hawaiian meditation prayer)

Karen: feel love when you do this let go of guilt or resentment

video: welcome to forgiving yourself a guided

meditation using the Hawaiian ho'oponopono prayer my name is Sandra and I am a timeline trauma release facilitator and teacher trainer based in Sedona Arizona during today's session I will guide you through the meditation with the intention to remove resentment blame or judgment so you can free yourself and all others involved from any negative energy or projections that prevent you from moving forward in your life ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian prayer we can use to forgive ourselves and others to whom we are connected the Hawaiian word ho oponopono means to make it right ho ho to make an pono right the repetition of the word pono in ho oponopono means double right or being right with both ourselves and others the ho oponopono prayer is very powerful but at the same time easy enough for you to incorporate it into your daily practice before we begin please set your intention to let go of anything around you and focus on the core of your being that is underneath many layers of protection the core of your being that is surrounded by walls shields and body armor take a few deep cleansing breaths in and on the exhale releasing any thoughts from your day or reminders for the future you are here in this moment your mind body and spirit take a deep slow breath in and Trust then in moving forward you are perfectly aligned with your highest good and deepest well-being take another deep slow breath in tapping into the energy of total relaxation using the power of your attention to sink deeper and deeper into this healing space of trust and surrender connecting to the most authentic core essence of who you are on the highest soul level take a deep slow breath in and let's start by tuning into the energy of the prayer of the ho oponopono first line what this prayer is I am sorry place your hands on your heart and feel a level of compassion for yourself welling up deep within your body warming you from the inside out the second line of the prayer is please forgive me take a moment to notice the responses of your body as you allow this energy of forgiveness to move through you and all around you the next part of the prayer is I love you ask your body to open up and imagine the energy of unconditional love moving into your auric field and allow it to gently and through into your physical body the last part of the prayer is thank you imagine a soft wave of gratitude flowing through you and all around you cleansing and clearing you from any shame guilt or blame for any of your past actions words or choices as we continue to go deeper into the healing practice of forgiveness I invite you to join me in connecting to the earth and grounding yourself use the power of your imagination and the power of your breath visualize a column of light moving from the base of your spine into the ground take a deep slow breath in and imagine this column of light going deeper and deeper and ever through all the layers until it reaches the crystal heart of Mother Earth take a deep slow breath in and feel the support of the Divine Mother feel the love and guidance during the deep work that you are doing today know that she is holding space for you and is ready to heal and transform any energies that you are ready to release take a deep slow breath in and place both of your hands on your heart [Music] I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you now focus your attention on to the top of your head and imagine connecting to the energy of the Great Central Sun imagine tapping into an infinite source of unconditional love deep compassion and radical forgiveness imagine this energy flowing into the top of your head flowing down inside your body visualize every cell of your body filling up with this energy of love compassion and forgiveness call upon your higher self and ask your higher self to be the guardian of this energy flow allowing in exactly the right amount of energy that is in alignment with your highest good and deepest well-being I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you take a deep slow breath in and feel how you are upgrading your energy raising your frequency and activating your light body right now imagine how the energy coming from the Great Central Sun is moving in like a healing wave cleansing and clearing yourselves on the deepest level take a deep slow breath in and feel the support of Mother Earth encouraging you to let go of anything that is no longer in alignment with your highest good and deepest well-being take a deep slow breath in I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you [Music] imagine how the healing wave is helping ou to release any blockages into the earth for healing and transformation every breath you take is bringing in a healing wave set the intention to flush out what is ready to be released so that you can bring in more light and life orce into every cell of your body take a deep slow breath in and feel this wave of radical forgiveness washing over you as you realize and acknowledge that you always did the best you could under the given circumstances and with the resources you had available to you in every now moment take a deep slow breath in and open your heart I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you another deep slow breath in and start scanning your body is there any energy of judgement you are holding on to open your heart and scan if there is any desire to hold on to the need to contro or manipulate your other circumstances take a deep slow breath in I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you take a deep slow breath in and tune into the law of attraction did you know that the law of attraction will bring you more of whatever you place your focus on even if you don't want it if this resonates with you please take a few moments to tune into the idea that judgment is a powerful magnet that keeps attracting more of the same energy into your life over and over and over again take a deep slow breath in and imagine that you can shift this unconscious law of attraction simply by dropping the energy of judgment open your heart I'm sorry please forgive me [Music] I love you I thank you once again place your awareness on yourself and scan your body imagine how much lighter you would feel if you would just let go of any need to judge any of your actions words or any of the choices you have made take a deep slow breath in open your heart I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you take another deep slow breath in and feel that wave of radical forgiveness washing over you as you once again realize and acknowledge that you always did the best you could under the given circumstances and with the resources you have available to you in every now moment open your heart take a deep slow breath in I am sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times you judged you no physical appearance and told yourself you are anything less than beautiful take a deep slow breath in and set your intention to clear that energy on all levels of Libya sending it deep into the earth for healing and transformation I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times you believed others who said you're fat ugly undesirable or simply not good enough take a deep slow breath in and ask your body to open up imagine how the energy from the Great Central Sun is coming in like a healing wave cleansing and clearing your cell memory on the deepest level I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you take a few moments to tune into all the unresolved shame guilt and blame towards yourself towards your physical body and your sexuality and sensuality imagine all these unresolved emotions bubbling up to the surface ready to be seen ready to be released take a deep slow breath in and on the exhale send it deep into the earth for healing and transformation I'm sorry please forgive me I love you all right thank you June and deeply into all the times you deprived yourself of something because you were told by others that it was wrong to want it take a deep slow breath in I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for any times you accepted someone else's standard of beauty even to the detriment of your confidence in self-love softly say to yourself I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for anytime you have neglected to take good care of yourself on a physical emotional spiritual and financial level I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you [Music] for any times you did not honor yourself with healthy boundaries and allowed others to control manipulate or abuse you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times you gave away your power gave away your time give away your energy or your money in relationships that did not nourish you take a deep slow breath to open your heart I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for every time you felt unworthy to receive unconditional love I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for every time you held yourself back from giving love because you felt a fear of rejection or the fear of commitment I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for any goals you set for yourself and then fail to meet your expectations I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for every time you ignore your own intuition or the good advice of others causing you pain and discomfort I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for every time you ignored red flags and follow a bad advice that led to failure pain and frustration say to yourself I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for any times you missed an opportunity because you doubted yourself or felt afraid to step out of your comfort zone I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for any times you fell into addictive behavior to distract or numb yourself down open your heart say to yourself I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you think back of all the times that you have communicated to yourself or others I'm not good enough or I will never succeed open your heart and receive this message I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you think back to any creative projects business opportunities financial possibilities and potential relationships that failed for any kind of reason I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times you procrastinated had negative thoughts unloving actions and addictive behavior that slowed you down or held you back from reaching your highest potential I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times other people's negative thoughts actions and behaviors slowed you down or held you back from reaching your highest potential I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you think back to all the times when you held on to a toxic person or toxic situation for far too long open your heart to forgiveness and whisper to yourself I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you for all the times you gave your power away consciously or unconsciously I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you think back to all the times when you felt all alone and unsupported take a deep slow breath in as you open your heart to receive this message I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you and once again focus all of your attention on the column of light moving from the base of your spine into the crystal heart of Mother Earth imagine every breath is connecting you deeper and deeper and deeper notice how the column of light is moving from the center of the earth up into the base of your spine moving up through all the energy centers in your body moving up in the body connecting you to the energy of the central Sun see know and feel that you are now living conduit between the earth and the energy of the Great Central Sun take a deep slow breath in and imagine how the column of light is expanding beyond your physical body into your auric field and set your intention to infuse and surround your auric field with the power of the ho'oponopono [Music] take a deep slow breath in an anchor in this beautiful powerful prayer into your energetic field and your physical body I am sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you imagine the prayer is assisting in cleansing and clearing upgrading your light coat frequencies to the highest level that is in alignment with your deepest well-being take a deep slow breath in I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you and set your intention to make the hole upon upon a prayer part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you use this powerful prayer as a reminder of your own worthiness to love and respect yourself on a deeper level I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you the ho'oponopono recognizes that we are all part of one consciousness and as such everything in our reality everything and everybody that is present in our experience is thereby affected by our actions and reactions set your intention to clear that field take a deep slow breath I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you use the ho oponopono as your daily reminder to take 100% responsibility for your life imagine living in a simulation in a shared consciousness a shared hologram imagine if one person's consciousness changes it can change the whole and you are the captain of your soul and the master of your creation please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry police will give me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I thank you I love you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I thank you I love you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I thank you I'm sorry please forgive me I love you and I thank you I want to thank you for supporting this channel full of free guided sessions by hitting that subscribe button and the notification now please share your experience by leaving a comment or share this video with your friends and family I invite you to check out my other free guided sessions or reach out to me if you want a private session or want to attend one of my multiple day retreats thank you for watching and liking this free offering and thank you for doing the work today I thank you and I love you I thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]English (auto-generated)


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